The Eden-Atlantis Project
The Proposed Archeological Site of Eden and Atlantis in the Eastern Mediterranean
Commodore Robert Stanley Bates, United States Merchant Marine
Published in the Urantia Fellowship Herald, Summer issue, 2018

Plato’s legendary account of a sunken island civilization that he called Atlantis—or what some call Eden—has fascinated adventurers for centuries. But the sophisticated archeological search for this lost culture as had to wait for our time, with its digital technology and advanced underwater research capabilities. Recent efforts to find the vanished island have, I believe, culminated in two exciting underwater surveys in the Eastern Mediterranean that were staged in 2004 and 2006. Each of these expeditions uncovered tantalizing evidence, and both were initiated by Urantia Book students looking for what they believe are the remnants of the First Garden. In this essay, I argue that our search for this pre-historic civilization may now be narrowed to sunken land adjacent to the island of Cyprus, a virtual underwater continent that geologists located decades ago. In recognition of the likely confluence of the two great legends of Atlantis and Eden, I call the ongoing archeological research into this sunken continent the Eden-Atlantis Project. . . [continued here]